Working with Others
If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal
A handy reminder that travel with a government official can cross the line into bribery.
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We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal
What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
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We pay for travel to/from our sites - horizontal
Make it super easy for your employees to remember what business travel is, and isn't.
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Eid: We Give Wisely (calligraphy/minaret version)
To highlight smart donations during Eid Al Adha, this graphic beautifully incorporates a minaret and powerful message in Arabic calligraphy.
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Eid: We Give Wisely (minaret version)
To highlight smart donations during Eid Al Adha, this graphic beautifully incorporates a minaret and powerful message in Arabic calligraphy.
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Our referrals are based on merit
This elegant piece gives your team typical examples of kickbacks and a reminder that your company prohibits them.