Working with Others
This is not business entertainment (vacation version)
It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts.
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If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal
A handy reminder that travel with a government official can cross the line into bribery.
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We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal
What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
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We pay for travel to/from our sites - horizontal
Make it super easy for your employees to remember what business travel is, and isn't.
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Ramadan: We practice hospitality (grey dallah version)
Remind your people they should give gifts during this time of year wisely, not extravagantly.
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Chinese New Year: Give Mooncakes, not Yuan
Illustrate the proper types of respectful, ethical giving for your China-based teams with these examples.
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Watch out for layering!
Use these strong graphics to explain to your team that complicated-looking transactions might be fishy, not sophisticated.
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AML Red Flags: The Customer
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a customer suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Payment
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make payments suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Request
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a request suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Transaction
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make the transaction suspicious.
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High frequency is high-risk
An easy-to-grasp graphic to encourage your employees to speak up when they suspect transactions are too high frequency to be legit.
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No, thanks
Be super plain with this punchy graphic: our company's employees don't play around with bribes.
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Our referrals are based on merit
This elegant piece gives your team typical examples of kickbacks and a reminder that your company prohibits them.
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Watch out for structuring!
This easy-to-understand piece helps your people recognize that shady folks often break apart one transaction into numerous ones to avoid being flagged for money laundering.
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Only you can stop money laundering
This creative graphic reminds your team they're the boots-on-the-ground for sniffing out dirty money.
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Know your customer
Empower your employees to raise red flags when they sense a customer might be shady.
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Ramadan: We practice hospitality (calligraphy/dallah version)
This Ramadan-themed piece reminds your team that your organization has policies about gifts and entertainment.
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Ramadan: We practice hospitality (dallah version)
Remind your team they can give gifts and entertain, but extravagance is never an option.
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Only approve known expenses
Remind your employees that vague details in expense reports aren't harmless—they could be hiding fraud or bribes.
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Conflicts of Interest: Friends and Family
Your employees have to disclose business with family and friends. Effortlessly remind them with this simple graphic.
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Seeing can be exporting
This gripping visual brings home the non-intuitive fact that even visual access can constitute an export.
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Describing can be exporting
This bold tool illustrates that simply talking can implicate trade compliance.
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This is business travel—this is a holiday
Business trips with partners can get complicated quickly, particularly when government officials are involved. Keep your employees alert when they're planning.