
Working with Others

  • Do you need to disclose it?

    Do you need to disclose it?

    Sometimes business gifts must be reported; keep that front-of-mind for your employees.

  • This is not a business gift (cash version)

    This is not a business gift (cash version)

    It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts. 

  • This is not a business gift (fur coat version)

    This is not a business gift (fur coat version)

    It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts. 

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to...

  • Data Processing Agreement checklist

    Data Processing Agreement checklist

    Everyone tells their teams to do their due diligence, but do they know what that actually looks like? This job aid gives your IT and procurement teams the ultimate vendor contract checklist, covering everything from contract basics to data-processing...

  • Nah, we're good.

    Nah, we're good.

    This graphic brings home a key anticorruption message: we earn our business, we don't bribe for it. Need it in landscape? Check out the horizontal version!

  • This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    Business trips with partners can get complicated quickly, particularly when government officials are involved. Keep your employees alert when they're planning.

  • Chinese New Year: Give Mooncakes, not Yuan - horizontal

    Chinese New Year: Give Mooncakes, not Yuan - horizontal

    Remind your China-based team that reasonable gifts—not anything that looks like a bribe—is your company policy.

  • Nah, we're good. - horizontal

    Nah, we're good. - horizontal

    This graphic brings home a key anticorruption message: we earn our business, we don't bribe for it. Need it in portrait? Check out the vertical version!

  • Before a service provider starts work

    Before a service provider starts work

    Show your team the basics—and importance—of vetting service providers and obtaining proper documentation before work begins. Whether it be control for anticorruption, fraud, or sanction screening, it’s the same idea: don’t have...

  • We conduct due diligence

    We conduct due diligence

    This simple reminder drills home to your sales and business development folks that your company doesn't just do deals, you look into the deals first.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Owning or investing

    Conflicts of Interest: Owning or investing

    Conflicts aren't just about relationships, they also include investments. Ensure your folks know to disclose any financial connections that could impact your business.

  • Read it before you approve it

    Read it before you approve it

    Remind your employees to monitor your vendors or intermediaries, not simply pay them.

  • This is not business entertainment (gambling version)

    This is not business entertainment (gambling version)

    It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts. 

  • This is not business entertainment (vacation version)

    This is not business entertainment (vacation version)

    It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts. 

  • This job aid equips teams with the know-how to spot red flags in your supply chain—from environmental hazards and worker mistreatment to outright fraud.

    Supplier Red Flags

    Do your people actually know what vendor behaviors are considered shady? This job aid equips your employees with the know-how to spot red flags in your supply chain—from environmental hazards and worker mistreatment to outright fraud. By boosting...

  • Give your third-parties everything they need to align with your ethical and legal standards with this concise infographic.

    Third Parties Code of Conduct

    Your third-parties are essential to your success, especially when they’re acting on your behalf. Keep everyone on the same page and avoid any nasty surprises with this concise infographic.  Packed with practical guidance, it clearly outlines...

  • Avoid misunderstandings and ensure your gestures leave a positive, professional impression with this holiday giving awareness bundle.

    Awareness Campaign: Give Wisely (Christmas)

    Empower your team to navigate the world of corporate gifting with confidence! This essential holiday pack of six awareness materials provides clear guidelines and helpful tips to ensure your business gifts are ethical, appropriate, and strengthen...

  • Quickly train your third parties on your org’s core values and expectations with this thorough and straightforward module.

    Third Party Code of Conduct Training

    Your third parties—like vendors, consultants, suppliers, and business partners—are essentially an extension of your org, so they need to know and uphold your standards. Share this practical module with them to make sure they get it. In about...

  • Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Give your employees the gift of appropriate gift-giving knowledge with this short, targeted training video. In roughly two minutes, your folks will know exactly which gifts are OK to give to a government official, and which ones are completely off-limits...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by explaining exactly what civility and respect look like when...

  • Click-through guide: Is this person a government official?

    Click-through guide: Is this person a government official?

    Do all your folks know who’s considered a government official? No? Well, click-through guide to the rescue! Save the day with this 5-step interactive tool that offers one decision-point at a time to avoid information overload. Employees can...

  • If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    A handy reminder that travel with a government official can cross the line into bribery.

  • We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
