
Working with Others

Job aids


Finance Team

  • Insider Trading Basics

    Insider Trading Basics

    Gordon Gekko may think that greed is good, but your company doesn't when it comes to insider trading. Educate your employees on the basics with this graphic piece. Aimed at a general audience, this piece lays out three common categories of material...

  • Expense approval checklist

    Expense approval checklist

    Give your team an easy-to-understand checklist for walking through the major issues when approving expense reports. Proper approval of expenses requires thoughtful reflection about what, exactly, your organization is paying for—something not...

  • Got a funny feeling about fraud?

    Got a funny feeling about fraud?

    Help your employees sniff out that funky fraud smell with this highly visual piece setting out red flags. Your team needs to feel empowered to use the “f” word—fraud. This guide provides solid examples of behaviors that just...

  • Know the Red Flags of Money Laundering

    Know the Red Flags of Money Laundering

    This simple infographic shows your employees the common indicators of money laundering in the context of your employees’ day-to-day work. By bucketing these common red flags into four categories, your employees can more easily process and apply...

  • Do Your Part to Stop Money Laundering

    Do Your Part to Stop Money Laundering

    Enable your team with this graphic piece to not only identify money laundering, but know what to do when they see the red flags. Fighting money laundering isn’t simply the job of prosecutors and cops, but every employee’s responsibility...

  • Is your third party expensing something unusual?

    Is your third party expensing something unusual?

    Make spotting red flags involving third-party expenses super easy with this highly visual infographic. This piece includes both obvious red flags like jewelry and art as well as some less-obvious things like water bills and high discounts.
