
Working with Others

  • You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • If you approve it, you own it

    If you approve it, you own it

    Your employees are grown-ups, but sometimes they need reminders that they're accountable for anything they approve.

  • Always review all invoice details

    Always review all invoice details

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Petty Cash is Not for Individuals

    Petty Cash is Not for Individuals

    It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for individuals.

  • Petty Cash is Not for Aiding Government Action

    Petty Cash is Not for Aiding Government Action

    It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for aiding government action.

  • All expenses must include receipts

    All expenses must include receipts

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Expenses must have a clear business purpose

    Expenses must have a clear business purpose

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • More money, more problems.

    More money, more problems.

    A fun graphic to keep your front-line people reporting large transactions.

  • Petty Cash is Not for Import/Export or Handling Fees

    Petty Cash is Not for Import/Export or Handling Fees

    It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for handling fees.

  • Petty Cash is Not for Bonuses

    Petty Cash is Not for Bonuses

    It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for bonuses.

  • If they won't give you a receipt, it might be a bribe

    If they won't give you a receipt, it might be a bribe

    This simple graphic alerts your employees to a common indicator of bribery.

  • Read it before you approve it

    Read it before you approve it

    Remind your employees to monitor your vendors or intermediaries, not simply pay them.

  • Gifts are not travel expenses - horizontal

    Gifts are not travel expenses - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that the right things are included on T&E reports—and the wrong things aren’t disguised as legit expenses. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build...

  • Travel for government officials must be pre-approved - horizontal

    Travel for government officials must be pre-approved - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud...

  • Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved - horizontal

    Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud...

  • Invoice payments should not be made to individuals

    Invoice payments should not be made to individuals

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Unexpected Fee on Invoice

    Unexpected Fee on Invoice

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved

    Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud...

  • Travel for government officials must be pre-approved

    Travel for government officials must be pre-approved

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud and...

  • Gifts are not travel expenses

    Gifts are not travel expenses

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that the right things are included on T&E reports—and the wrong things aren’t disguised as legit expenses. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build...

  • Watch out for layering!

    Watch out for layering!

    Use these strong graphics to explain to your team that complicated-looking transactions might be fishy, not sophisticated.

  • AML Red Flags: The Customer

    AML Red Flags: The Customer

    Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a customer suspicious.

  • AML Red Flags: The Payment

    AML Red Flags: The Payment

    Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make payments suspicious.

  • AML Red Flags: The Request

    AML Red Flags: The Request

    Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a request suspicious.
