The helpline isn’t a black box. Use this quick-hit graphic to show your employees what to expect before they make the call. Need to go into more detail? Check out "What happens when I contact...
Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going...
Don't waste the chance to get your compliance message out there; use this easy guide to incorporate it with every email.
You ever seen folks who have compliance team branding, with their own...
This simple guide will help your employees navigate your company's Code of Conduct.
A very short, very simple framing of your Code of Conduct that covers what it is, where to find it, and when to...
This decision tree quickly helps employees determine the right time to raise concerns—and how to do it. You want your people to speak up, but they don’t want to bother the wrong person or feel...
A guide to making your hotline employee-friendly and effective with pre-made FAQs you can easily customize. These FAQs help minimize anxiety and boost confidence in your reporting system by...
Get employees familiar with your hotline through this simple office contest.
We provide step-by-step instructions and emails for running a giveaway contest—which your employees will enter by...
These email templates help you gather information, manage expectations, and ensure follow-up when employees report issues. Use these to manage the full lifecycle of a hotline case in an...
Whether for new hires, something you pass out at meetings, or leaving them around the office, use these cards to get your helpline information out there. Customize this template and send out for...