Organizing a company event?

Help your organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and fun event with this infographic, which details key before- and during-event steps to mitigate non-compliance.


Help your event organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and (importantly!) fun event with this enlightening infographic.

Starting with pre-event considerations like pulling the necessary permits to during-event awareness like monitoring for harassment and assisting with transportation for anyone who needs a safe way home, this handy planning sheet will help your organizers ensure their event runs smoothly.

Bonus! It comes with a checklist to help your planning team communicate the event’s expectations to the rest of the attendees.

And if you're looking for guidance to send to attendees, then look no further than the Behavior during business events job aid! Cheers to good decisions!

Want to spread a bit more awareness of proper party protocol? Snag our Civility and professionalism mini-module to keep everyone on their best behavior.