
Use of Company Assets

  • You are responsible for what you know - horizontal

    You are responsible for what you know - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • All expenses must include receipts

    All expenses must include receipts

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Expenses must have a clear business purpose

    Expenses must have a clear business purpose

    Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.

  • Only approve known expenses

    Only approve known expenses

    Remind your employees that vague details in expense reports aren't harmless—they could be hiding fraud or bribes.
