
External Communications

Senior Leadership Team

  • Who's looking at your profile?

    Who's looking at your profile?

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • Three simple questions guide your employees through whether it’s OK to share info freely or they need an NDA before spilling the company beans.

    Do you need to get an NDA signed?

    Ever wonder if something you're about to share needs to be kept hush-hush? This handy guide is here to help! Think of it like a three-question quiz: answer yes or no, and it'll tell you if a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is needed before anyone spills...

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to...

  • Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.
