
External Communications

  • Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Do your employees know what to look out for when managing third parties? This piece supports their due diligence efforts by covering the five red flags they need to spot and tell you about ASAP!

  • Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    In this short (less than 2 minutes), targeted training video, employees will learn what to watch out for when working with third parties. We’ll explain the five main scenarios that are most likely to cultivate red flags, like working with...

  • Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    You don’t expect your employees to memorize everything about privacy and personal data, but that’s the message they’ll get if you dump a ton of regulation-focused material on them. Make it clear that they just need to know the...

  • Received a request to transfer data?

    Received a request to transfer data?

    What counts as "personal data" to one person might not be to another, which can create major headaches. Use this decision tree to remedy your ills and ensure all your teams have a healthy dose of privacy know-how. In five simple steps, it guides them...

  • Has a government regulator contacted you?

    Has a government regulator contacted you?

    If a regulator reaches out, this guide explains step-by-step who is supposed to do what and when. It’s scary when someone from the government initiates contact, and scared people often don’t make rational decisions—this is an obvious...

  • Who's looking at your profile?

    Who's looking at your profile?

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting consumer data is risky business. Your company needs this information to run, but your people should only be collecting what they absolutely need, and tracking those reasons. But do they know this? This nifty infographic makes sure your people...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by explaining exactly what civility and respect look like when...

  • Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.
