
Handling Information

  • Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office.

Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us before keying in a password or checking if our work is visible in the background of our virtual meeting. These signs serve as friendly reminders to your folks that even the smallest actions play a role in keeping info secure.

    Awareness Campaign: Around the workplace

    Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office. Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us...

  • Video: How we treat personal data

    Video: How we treat personal data

    Educate your employees on collecting and handling personal data with this short (roughly 2 minutes), targeted training video.  This video starts with addressing the BIG questions first: What exactly is personal data and how do you identify it?...

  • Virtual communication has tons of advantages like convenience and efficiency. But along with these pros come disadvantages like misinterpretation and lack of privacy. 

In seven brief slides, this deck gives your employees everything they need to consider about communicating virtually BEFORE clicking send, like who’s the audience, thinking through what to say, and considering the timing and tone. 

Make this info really sticky by adding this to our Annual Refresher Course or pairing it with our Careful virtual communications job aid.

    Careful virtual communications (mini-module)

    Virtual communication has tons of advantages like convenience and efficiency. But along with these pros come disadvantages like misinterpretation and lack of privacy.  In seven brief slides, this deck gives your employees everything they need to...

  • COI Disclosure Questions, simplified

    COI Disclosure Questions, simplified

    Quality disclosure questions are REALLY hard to write well and are rarely seen in the wild. That's why these COI Disclosure questions are perfect—they're easy to use AND understand. So, if you’ve ever felt awkward asking about finances and...

  • Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this module has 15 slides loaded with detailed...

  • Harassment: Cyberbullying

    Harassment: Cyberbullying

    “Stop being a jerk on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. Using collateral you can print in multiple formats (screensavers, posters, mousepads, and coasters), this campaign drives home the simple message that your company...

  • Harassment: Inappropriate Computer Usage

    Harassment: Inappropriate Computer Usage

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful. Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty...

  • Travel & expenses training module for managers

    Travel & expenses training module for managers

    This simple visual guide shows your management team how to quickly identify any impermissible expenses prior to approving payment. This visual guide syncs up with our deep-dive travel and expense checklist. Each page expands on one of the 24 checklist...
