
Handling Information

  • This is not where your password belongs

    This is not where your password belongs

    Make sure your team knows their passwords are supposed to be secret—-not out where someone can find them, especially on their desks.

  • Away from your computer?

    Away from your computer?

    Make sure your team always remembers: an open computer, left alone, is a privacy breach waiting to happen.

  • Shred it! (blue version)

    Shred it! (blue version)

    It's not hard, but it can be boring. Use this super-graphic piece to remind your team to shred confidential information—each and every time.

  • Shred it! (red shredder version)

    Shred it! (red shredder version)

    This attention-getter connects protecting your confidential info with the simple command to shred.

  • We don't conduct business on personal emails

    We don't conduct business on personal emails

    Make sure your team is alert for when people try to take business on to their personal emails—it may be a scam.

  • Get asked to click on a link?

    Get asked to click on a link?

    Spelling is hard! But also potentially a sign of fraud. This simple reminder puts sketchy web addresses on your folks' radar. 

  • This delightfully concise infographic explains what IP is, how to avoid misusing it, and ways to safeguard assets without overwhelming.

    Respecting Others’ IP

    Don’t bore your team with the complexities of intellectual property (IP). Instead, use this delightfully concise infographic to explain it all in simple terms without overwhelming. Whether folks are creating presentations, marketing content, or...

  • Equip your teams with the strategic soft skills they need to engage in tough conversations with this short contrasting-examples video (2:15).

    Video: Careful Communications

    Give your teams clear guidance on the do’s and don’ts of virtual communications with this short video. In less than 3 minutes, this video breaks down the top five things to consider when engaging in virtual communications: the audience, the...

  • Awareness campaign: AI chatbots

    Awareness campaign: AI chatbots

    Let’s be real: Your employees are already using generative AI and chatbots to boost their work.  Before they slip up and accidentally share sensitive information or breach IP protections, display these awareness materials where they’ll...

  • Your employees need to collect personal data—but what they need to think through beforehand isn’t always clear. 

This video (2:14) tells your employees the 5 W’s and sometimes H of collecting personal data, why you need to have a clear business purpose, and how to handle it once they collect it.

Your employees will be happy to know exactly what to do, and you'll be glad they’re prepared.

    Video: Want to collect customer data?

    Your employees need to collect personal data—but what they need to think through beforehand isn’t always clear.  This video (less than 2 minutes) tells your employees the 5 W’s and sometimes H of collecting personal data, why you...

  • Virtual communication has tons of advantages like convenience and efficiency. But along with these pros come disadvantages like misinterpretation and lack of privacy. 

In seven brief slides, this deck gives your employees everything they need to consider about communicating virtually BEFORE clicking send, like who’s the audience, thinking through what to say, and considering the timing and tone. 

Make this info really sticky by adding this to our Annual Refresher Course or pairing it with our Careful virtual communications job aid.

    Careful virtual communications (mini-module)

    Virtual communication has tons of advantages like convenience and efficiency. But along with these pros come disadvantages like misinterpretation and lack of privacy.  In seven brief slides, this deck gives your employees everything they need to...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (phone version) - horizontal

    No inappropriate websites at work (phone version) - horizontal

    Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty pictures at work—it’s just that they think they can get away with it and it doesn’t impact anyone else. This graphic encourages bystanders (or, here, you know,...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (phone version)

    No inappropriate websites at work (phone version)

    Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty pictures at work—it’s just that they think they can get away with it and it doesn’t impact anyone else. This graphic encourages bystanders (or, here, you know,...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (desk version) - horizontal

    No inappropriate websites at work (desk version) - horizontal

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful.

  • No inappropriate websites at work (desk version)

    No inappropriate websites at work (desk version)

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful.

  • Having a video call? - horizontal

    Having a video call? - horizontal

    Computer and phone cameras are everywhere, and your critical info is spread on boards and papers throughout your workplace—including at home. This simple graphic reminds the team to pay attention to their surroundings so they don’t...

  • Having a video call?

    Having a video call?

    Computer and phone cameras are everywhere, and your critical info is spread on boards and papers throughout your workplace—including at home. This simple graphic reminds the team to pay attention to their surroundings so they don’t...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are crystal clear on the rules. This way, small adjustments can...

  • Shhh! Keep it confidential - horizontal

    Shhh! Keep it confidential - horizontal

    An easy, breezy reminder for your employees to keep your company's confidential info to themselves.

  • Keep it confidential! - horizontal

    Keep it confidential! - horizontal

    This bold, multi-use graphic simplifies your folks' obligations: keep things private.

  • Check the marking - horizontal

    Check the marking - horizontal

    Marks are there for a reason; this super-graphic piece reminds your employees to heed them.

  • Away from your computer? - horizontal

    Away from your computer? - horizontal

    Make sure your team always remembers: an open computer, left alone, is a privacy breach waiting to happen.

  • Shred it! (red shredder version) - horizontal

    Shred it! (red shredder version) - horizontal

    This attention-getter connects protecting your confidential info with the simple command to shred.

  • Done with it? Shred it! - horizontal

    Done with it? Shred it! - horizontal

    Shredding isn't hard—we just forget to do it. Help your employees remember with this super-graphic visual.
