Handling Information
You can't change their mind
Politics incite a lot of feelings. Don't let your folks forget that you can be political without being a jerk.
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You're free to participate in political activities
It's easy to get carried away during election season. Remind your team that when they're speaking up, they're speaking on behalf of themselves (and using their own resources when doing so).
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If it's confidential...
Provide your team with the simple—but not always understood—rules of keeping your company's private info confidential.
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Saying it online...
This cool piece reminds your team of the need to be as mindful of what they say online—as well as off.
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Check the background before you share it
Encourage your team to avoid inadvertently posting photos with your company's confidential info.
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Practice Polite Politics (handshake version)
Alliteration for the win! Remind your folks that being courteous is always appropriate, particularly when politics are involved.
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Piecing together confidential info
Employees' social media posts can provide enough bits of a story for your foes to assemble the whole picture of your confidential info. This graphic shows how it's done.
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Who's looking at your profile?
Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.
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TMI? Let us know!
Make it clear that self-reporting isn’t just OK, it’s expected. When humans handle data, there’s room for human error, so if someone on your team uncovers data they don’t need—or shouldn’t have—empower them to...
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Make sure you have permission
Get straight to the point with this graphic: If you don’t have permission—or don’t know if you have permission—contact the Privacy Team.
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Have something to say
Remind your team that when they're speaking up, they're speaking on behalf of themselves. Originally created to create awareness on political activities in the workplace, this can be customized for other situations.
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Use your own resources
Remind your team that politics aren't banned at the office, but folks should use their own time and resources when showing political support.
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One post, no context
A quick, beautiful illustration that social media can ruin your employees' careers in one instant.
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Report unattended information
Make sure each employee knows their responsibility to look out for sensitive info being left around—and if they find some, raise it to management.
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Time travel can't fix privacy breaches
Save your teams from creating a problem that their future selves can’t solve with this eye-catching visual.
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Don't fall into a breach!
Don’t fall into a breach. It’s scary down there. Instead, use this awareness piece to inspire your teams to interact with data the right way.
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What does the Privacy Team do?
You know exactly what the Privacy Team does, but it’s a bit fuzzy to many at your company. Use this graphic to boost awareness of the things they handle and who to contact with questions. Speaking of things that are fuzzy, it pairs nicely with a...
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No inappropriate websites at work (phone version)
Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty pictures at work—it’s just that they think they can get away with it and it doesn’t impact anyone else. This graphic encourages bystanders (or, here, you know,...
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No inappropriate websites at work (desk version)
No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful.
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We check ID
Empower your employees to look for unauthorized people in your business—-so they report it and protect your info, all without feeling too awkward.
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Do you really know your followers?
This piece reminds employees it's not just mom and their high school friends following them online. And one post is all it takes to ruin their reputations.
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Keep confidential computer stuff on your computer
Protect your company's data with this helpful graphic showing your team not to take photos of what's on their work computers.
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Your post may self-destruct, but copies last forever
Just because a post is "self-destructing" doesn't mean they can't be shared by others. Remind your folks to be mindful of what they share, even if they think it won't live on.
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Message (Kind of) Deleted
A fun illustration showing that what your team posts online can (and likely will) exist forever.