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Ultra-graphic materials to nudge your employees on the right behavior
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Your partners and vendors can cause a world of hurt—are your employees keeping watch?
Reinforce your anti-corruption policy with this clear and direct message.
Your vendors and intermediaries can get you into trouble and waste your money; make sure your team is watching out.
Third parties can be confusing, but this simple graphic makes it easy.
Remind your employees to monitor your vendors or intermediaries, not simply pay them.
This simple reminder drills home to your sales and business development folks that your company doesn't just do deals, you look into the deals first.
Remind your team to know outside groups' gift policies, not just yours.
This simple graphic encourages your team not to be shy about asking questions on invoices—especially when payment details look shady.
Encourage your team to resist those seeking bribes—every time.
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.
Remind your employees that vague details in expense reports aren't harmless—they could be hiding fraud or bribes.
What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
Alert your team that a single source of business is suspicious—and may be a sign of bribery.