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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Assessing Conflicts of Interest

    Assessing Conflicts of Interest

    This helpful one-pager gives HR professionals an easy way to assess whether a business decision raises red flags due to a conflict of interest. This off-the-shelf version guides them through both...

  • Compliance is an open book test

    Compliance is an open book test

    This call-to-action tells your team's compliance is not passive—if you don't know what to do, look it up!

  • Is it confidential?

    Is it confidential?

    This elegant decision tree helps your team quickly determine if they can share info—or keep it private. One of our favorite pieces, this breaks down the main elements of what constitutes info...

  • Would you trade on it?

    Would you trade on it?

    This graphic guide simplifies the types of information that should be protected to avoid insider trading. Without getting too far in the weeds of securities terminology (woof), this piece highlights...

  • Super Simple Helpline (Horizontal) line art version

    Super Simple Helpline (Horizontal) line art version

    Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally straightforward piece tells your employees exactly what they need to know for reporting concerns.

  • Reassure your folks that secondary employment is generally OK, clarify what might create a problem, and guide them through next steps with this hard-working infographic.

    Starting a side gig or second job?

    Hobbies, interests, and secondary employment… OH MY! Side gigs—from hobbies-turned-hustles to volunteering and traditional employment—can sometimes be viewed as...

  • This checklist simplifies the investigation report drafting process and guides your investigators through everything they need to include—from initial timelines to root causes.

    Writing a good investigation report

    After all the effort that goes into a quality workplace investigation, writing a report that’s both concise and comprehensive can seem exhausting. But you need to memorialize that effort and...

  • Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and hospitality are a normal part of business, but they can also look like bribes to an outsider. Avoid this and other gift-related pitfalls by circulating this comprehensive gift guide. It...

  • Video: We do not tolerate retaliation

    Video: We do not tolerate retaliation

    Educate your teams on what all forms of retaliation look like, as well as the steps to take if they see or experience it. This short, targeted training video (roughly 90 seconds) will foster a...

  • Video: What happens when I contact the helpline?

    Video: What happens when I contact the helpline?

    This short, targeted training video (around 90 seconds), will transform even the most reticent employee into one that’s 100% comfy with contacting the helpline. This video covers the basics,...

  • The Helpline Chronicles

    The Helpline Chronicles

    We recognize that not everyone fancies themselves a writer, so we've done the hard part and created this plug-and-play template for real life scenarios. Since the helpline is uncharted territory for...

  • What to do when an employee raises a concern

    What to do when an employee raises a concern

    So, your employees feel comfortable raising concerns to management.  Good! Your speak-up culture is on the right track for success. But wait, have you trained your managers on how to handle...

  • Received a request for funding?

    Received a request for funding?

    Anyone at your org might pick up the phone or receive an email asking for funding. Ensure they know exactly how to navigate those requests and avoid downstream issues with this job aid. Covering...

  • Taking an active role in politics?

    Taking an active role in politics?

    Your employees will appreciate this clear guidance on how to participate in political activities without breaking the rules. While political debates are best left to awkward family...

  • You are responsible for who you engage - horizontal

    You are responsible for who you engage - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic...

  • Is it OK to do or say [blank] at work?

    Is it OK to do or say [blank] at work?

    Grandma knows what’s up. Help your team easily determine whether behavior is appropriate at the workplace with this colorful decision tree. Your workplace doesn’t have to be stuffy, but...

  • What happens when I contact the helpline?

    What happens when I contact the helpline?

    The hotline isn’t a black box. Take the mystery out of how the helpline process works with this easy explainer—you’ll show your people exactly how compliance reporting works,...

  • Email Signatures

    Email Signatures

    Don't waste the chance to get your compliance message out there; use this easy guide to incorporate it with every email. You ever seen folks who have compliance team branding, with their own...

  • Practice Polite Politics (team meeting version)

    Practice Polite Politics (team meeting version)

    Election time can be intense. Use this piece to remind your employees that they may disagree, but they can treat each other with dignity and respect.

  • What does "in good faith" mean?

    What does "in good faith" mean?

    Show your employees that a sincere belief that what you're saying is true is reason enough to come forward.

  • When should you raise a compliance issue?

    When should you raise a compliance issue?

    This decision tree quickly helps employees determine the right time to raise concerns—and how to do it. You want your people to speak up, but they don’t want to bother the wrong...

  • Model Code of Conduct Training Module

    Model Code of Conduct Training Module

    This simple guide will help your employees navigate your company's Code of Conduct. A very short, very simple framing of your Code of Conduct that covers what it is, where to find it, and when to...

  • Don't get fooled by email scammers

    Don't get fooled by email scammers

    Successful spear phishing sounds cool, but is one of your cybersecurity team's worst nightmares. Educate your team on the biggest red flags. Using a criminal graphic to grab their attention, this...

  • Video: Engaging in politics?

    Video: Engaging in politics?

    Show your teams how to engage in polite political speech with this illuminating video. In less than two minutes, it shares tips on having healthy discussions and empowers folks to switch topics or...
