Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!
Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.
Petty Cash is Not for Import/Export or Handling Fees
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for handling fees.
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Petty Cash is Not for Bonuses
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for bonuses.
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Compliance Teams Make the World a Safer Place
Your compliance team needs their own boost! Remind them that together, you save the world.
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Your folks know they're supposed to get things approved ahead of time, but this hard-to-miss piece reminds them that it makes their jobs easier, too.
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We win together!
Encourage diversity—all kinds of diversity—without using buzzwords or loaded terms.
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We conduct due diligence
This simple reminder drills home to your sales and business development folks that your company doesn't just do deals, you look into the deals first.
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Retaliation: Bullying
This powerful graphic makes clear that bullying a team member for raising compliance concerns is retaliation. And it's never allowed.
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Retaliation: Bad review
This powerful graphic makes clear that giving team members bad reviews for raising compliance concerns is retaliation. And it's never allowed.
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Non-retaliation for managers: tell compliance
A helpful reminder for managers that they should loop in compliance immediately when issues are raised.
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Mix it up: password guidance
Want a smoothie? Well, here's a smooth (ay!) way to remember to set up complex passwords.
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This is not where your password belongs
Make sure your team knows their passwords are supposed to be secret—-not out where someone can find them, especially on their desks.
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We never discuss territory
Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk territory with the other guys.
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Do you really need that data?
Just because it's possible doesn't mean your team should do it. Urge them to be mindful in how (and why) they collect data.
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We never discuss price
Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk price with the other guys.
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Away from your computer?
Make sure your team always remembers: an open computer, left alone, is a privacy breach waiting to happen.
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No fishing for competitive info
A concise reminder to your sales and marketing teams that trying to obtain knowledge about competitors is off-limits.
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Shred it! (blue version)
It's not hard, but it can be boring. Use this super-graphic piece to remind your team to shred confidential information—each and every time.
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Shred it! (red shredder version)
This attention-getter connects protecting your confidential info with the simple command to shred.
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Conflicts of Interest: Owning or investing
Conflicts aren't just about relationships, they also include investments. Ensure your folks know to disclose any financial connections that could impact your business.
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Investigations: Don't Worry!
If Happy Cloud says it, it must be true: reassure employees involved in investigations they're OK with this cheery graphic.
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If they can see it or hear it, it might be an export
This graphic raises awareness that exports aren't obvious—any kind of access to documents or information can implicate trade compliance.
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Trading Blackout Lifted
Stand out with this notice that a trading blackout is lifted and trading is OK.
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If they won't give you a receipt, it might be a bribe
This simple graphic alerts your employees to a common indicator of bribery.
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Speak Up: Gulf
Make sure your people know that everyone's voice is important in compliance and ethics.