Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!
Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.
Super Simple Helpline
Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally straightforward piece tells your employees exactly what they need to know for reporting concerns. Heads up: this is the standard version...
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Give wisely this holiday season
During a season of giving, remind your folks of these principles of ethical business gifts.
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Are you being sexually harassed at work?
Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...
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Disclose it.
Lots of people think conflicts of interest exist only when they profit. This piece reminds them that's not true. Need it in landscape? Check out the horizontal version!
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What happens when you contact the helpline?
The helpline isn’t a black box. Use this quick-hit graphic to show your employees what to expect before they make the call. Need to go into more detail? Check out "What happens when I contact...
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Are you being intimidated or discriminated against?
Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...
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The right place
Assure your employees they can raise ethics or compliance concerns, even if they're not 100% sure they're right—they just need to be coming from the right place.
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Compliance is an open book test
This call-to-action tells your team's compliance is not passive—if you don't know what to do, look it up!
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What does "in good faith" mean?
Show your employees that a sincere belief that what you're saying is true is reason enough to come forward.
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So-and-so is a government official
Your company (and the law) has specific rules about spending money on government officials. Raise your team's awareness about who actually is one.
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If you approve it, you own it
Your employees are grown-ups, but sometimes they need reminders that they're accountable for anything they approve.
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🔥 Trending
We give reasonable gifts
Santa loves giving fabulous gifts, but he's not doing it as part of a business relationship (or subject to your gifts and entertainment policy). Remind your employees that business gifts are...
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Just because it's for a good cause... (heart version)
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.
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Are you comfortable if it goes viral?
“Do the right thing” is simple advice but harder in practice. What does it all mean!? Use this high-impact graphic to create ethical awareness and remind folks of available resources...
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What is the Code of Conduct
Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic...
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Super Simple Helpline (line art version)
Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally straightforward piece tells your employees exactly what they need to know for reporting concerns. Heads up: this is the line art version...
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Wash your hands
Whether we’re in the midst of a pandemic or simply encouraging good hygiene, taking precautions to keep your employees healthy and safe is a top priority. We know changing routines and...
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Stay home if you're sick
Whether we’re in the midst of a pandemic or simply encouraging good hygiene, taking precautions to keep your employees healthy and safe is a top priority. We know changing routines and...
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Avoid close contactÑstop the spread
Whether we’re in the midst of a pandemic or simply encouraging good hygiene, taking precautions to keep your employees healthy and safe is a top priority. We know changing routines and...
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Always review all invoice details
Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a...
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Speak Up: Use your BRAAAAAAAINS
A funny, quirky encouragement to your team to exercise judgment and come forward when they see something.
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Speak Up: Make your voice heard
Encourage employees to speak out when something makes them uncomfortable.
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Diversity is our superpower
Diversity isn't simply being nice to your coworkers; it's embracing what they can do—and what you can do better together.
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Diversity: it's how we work
Inspire your folks to think of diversity as positive—and productive—with this fun graphic.