Broadcat waving

Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Who's a Government Official?

    Who's a Government Official?

    Take the mystery out of who is—and who isn’t—a government official with this job aid. Just because someone doesn’t have a regal title or isn't a politician doesn’t mean...

  • Before a service provider starts work

    Before a service provider starts work

    Show your team the basics—and importance—of vetting service providers and obtaining proper documentation before work begins. Whether it be control for anticorruption, fraud, or sanction...

  • Help your organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and fun event with this infographic, which details key before- and during-event steps to mitigate non-compliance.

    Organizing a company event?

    Help your event organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and (importantly!) fun event with this enlightening infographic. Starting with pre-event considerations like pulling the necessary permits...

  • Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting consumer data is risky business. Your company needs this information to run, but your people should only be collecting what they absolutely need, and tracking those reasons. But do they...

  • Our labor standards

    Our labor standards

    You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too.  This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees...

  • Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Show your folks these simple, but vital, rules for keeping company and personal info from being stolen while traveling. It’s not always intuitive that travel creates risk—people lose...
