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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Time travel can't fix privacy breaches

    Time travel can't fix privacy breaches

    Save your teams from creating a problem that their future selves can’t solve with this eye-catching visual. 

  • Only dolphins make breaches cool

    Only dolphins make breaches cool

    If you’re a dolphin, keep doing you, you majestic being! If you’re not a dolphin—and you don’t work with them—use this graphic to make your point: Avoid a data...

  • Don't fall into a breach!

    Don't fall into a breach!

    Don’t fall into a breach. It’s scary down there. Instead, use this awareness piece to inspire your teams to interact with data the right way.

  • How to protect our data from imposters

    How to protect our data from imposters

    Kids dressing up as police officers = super cute. Adults impersonating them to get your company’s data = just plain creepy. But do your employees know what to do if they get a strange data...

  • What does the Privacy Team do?

    What does the Privacy Team do?

    You know exactly what the Privacy Team does, but it’s a bit fuzzy to many at your company. Use this graphic to boost awareness of the things they handle and who to contact with questions...

  • We never collect sensitive personal data

    We never collect sensitive personal data

    Collecting data is an essential part of your business—it’s how you identify your customers and helps you tailor your products and services. But, let’s be real—collecting data...

  • Email signatures: Ethical decision-making

    Email signatures: Ethical decision-making

    Send an artful reminder to employees that they’re not alone in making tough decisions by equipping your managers, senior leadership and fellow compliance team members with this set of email...

  • Bonus Icons: Contacting Helpline and Compliance

    Bonus Icons: Contacting Helpline and Compliance

    Your company offers a variety of ways to speak up, so use these icons to make your folks aware of how they can contact compliance—from chatbots to QR codes to text messaging—and...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by...

  • No unwanted romantic messages - horizontal

    No unwanted romantic messages - horizontal

    Say, “Stop being a creep on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. This graphic drives home the simple message that your company doesn’t tolerate unwanted romantic...

  • No unwanted romantic messages

    No unwanted romantic messages

    Say, “Stop being a creep on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. This graphic drives home the simple message that your company doesn’t tolerate unwanted romantic...

  • No offensive messages - horizontal

    No offensive messages - horizontal

    Say, “Stop being a jerk on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. This graphic drives home the simple message that your company doesn’t tolerate mean-spirited...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (phone version) - horizontal

    No inappropriate websites at work (phone version) - horizontal

    Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty pictures at work—it’s just that they think they can get away with it and it doesn’t impact anyone else. This...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (phone version)

    No inappropriate websites at work (phone version)

    Everyone “knows” they’re not supposed to look at dirty pictures at work—it’s just that they think they can get away with it and it doesn’t impact anyone else. This...

  • No inappropriate websites at work (desk version) - horizontal

    No inappropriate websites at work (desk version) - horizontal

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful.

  • No inappropriate websites at work (desk version)

    No inappropriate websites at work (desk version)

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful.

  • Harassment: If it looks like - horizontal

    Harassment: If it looks like - horizontal

    We've all been there: just when you think anti-harassment stuff is obvious, you're painfully reminded that for a lot of folks it isn't. So make it blindingly clear with this graphic. It covers the...

  • Giving and receiving feedback

    Giving and receiving feedback

    If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone.   And, that’s no surprise. People...

  • Video: Stuck with a Tough Decision?

    Video: Stuck with a Tough Decision?

    This short training video (1:14) frames ethical decision-making in super practical terms, focusing on how people actually think instead of vague hypotheticals or academic philosophies. We’ll...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are...

  • What to know before an emergency situation

    What to know before an emergency situation

    When starting in a new location, there’s so much stuff competing for space in your brain that safety protocols don't always make the cut. Plus, instant recall is tough when you’re in...

  • Is your workplace an unsafe place?

    Is your workplace an unsafe place?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...

  • Is your workplace an unhealthy place?

    Is your workplace an unhealthy place?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...

  • Are you prohibited from associating with others?

    Are you prohibited from associating with others?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...
