Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!
Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.
Awareness Campaign: 7 myths about speaking up
Employees often hold misconceptions about your company helpline, which can cause rumors to spread and your employees to be reluctant about speaking up. Quash those rumors before they take hold with...
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Awareness Campaign: Upcoming & Overdue Training Reminders
Training season = deadline rebels. You know who we’re talking about—those who refuse to do anything on time. You’ve got more important things to do than chase down overdue...
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Awareness Campaign: Our Values
Show your teams how to translate your company’s values into actions with this crafty awareness campaign. These illustrative reminders contain four different eye-catching designs that are...
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Harassment: If It Looks / Sounds Like
We've all been there: just when you think anti-harassment stuff is obvious, you're painfully reminded that for a lot of folks it isn't. So help make it blindingly clear with this ultra-simple kit...
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Awareness campaign: AI chatbots
Let’s be real: Your employees are already using generative AI and chatbots to boost their work. Before they slip up and accidentally share sensitive information or breach IP protections,...
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Awareness Campaign: Around the workplace
Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office. Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go...
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Awareness Campaign: Culture Survey Reminders
Empower your teams to impact company culture with these multi-platform survey reminders. Add the virtual background to your video calls, and use the signatures in newsletters, memos, and your own...
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Awareness Campaign: Upcoming Training Reminders
You’ve got more important things to do than chase down overdue stragglers, so make sure you don’t have to with this training reminder bundle. With six clever concepts in one useful...
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Harassment: Cyberbullying
“Stop being a jerk on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. Using collateral you can print in multiple formats (screensavers, posters, mousepads, and coasters), this...
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Harassment: Inappropriate Computer Usage
No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful. Everyone...